URBNANCE highlights of the year 2024
The year 2024 is drawing to a close. With all the crises around the world and many difficult things, it's worth looking back and looking at the good things.
And the URBNANCE members did a lot of that. Psychologically speaking, identifying the good things strengthens emotional health and makes us look forward to 2025:
Mabel was delighted to return to the Institute after almost a year of parental leave. Being able to devote herself to her dissertation again has both revived old ideas and opened up new perspectives.
Philip's highlight was the collaborative design and implementation of more-than-human role-playing games together with students and colleagues at the IOER. And of course the publication of his first paper; as part of his PhD.
Martina's year was characterized by transformation. In February, she took up the “Green Infrastructure” research professorship at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences. With the new position, she moved from Dresden back to her old home and is enjoying spending more time with her human and animal family.
Christoph's highlight was joining the great team of the junior research group in May and immediately getting fully involved in the fascinating book project “Urban Human-Nature Partnership: From the Anthropocene to the Ecocene”. This book will shed light on the many dimensions, challenges and opportunities of equal human-nature relationships in an urban context.
Rayyan's highlights this year have been completing her first manuscript for her PhD, personal and professional development and, of course, finding a balance between her research work and motherhood.
Susanne's highlight was definitely the particularly prominent citation of her first PhD paper in the Club of Rome's follow-up report Earth4All. This emphasized the potential of rituals with nature for sustainability transformation.
So check again here next year to see what's new!
13. December 2024
Photo exhibition on urban human-nature partnerships
As part of the IOER Conference 2024, Susanne, Jessica (Hemingway) and Martina prepared and presented a photo exhibition.
The exhibition is about the visualization of possible urban human-nature partnerships using various photographs.
09. December 2024
Urban Transitions conference 2024
The conference attracted scientists from many parts of the world to Sitges in Spain, with contributions from Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. Philip presented the three publication projects of his PhD on a poster and had the opportunity to draw attention to his contribution during a speed talk. The focus of the conference was on cities and human health, and the perspectives and approaches discussed were highly interdisciplinary, although strongly anthropocentric. Many contributions dealt with traffic and transport systems and the transition to green and sustainable urban mobility. Even though the role of urban nature was intensively discussed, quantitative considerations of material human-nature relationships (e.g. extent of urban nature), experimental (e.g. accessibility of green spaces) and cognitive relationships to nature (e.g. nature-based solutions and their social and economic value) dominated. Philip's contribution on the importance of the inner dimension of transitions and the relevance of raising awareness and recognising diverse values of nature in policy and planning could set new accents and led to lively discussions with other participants.
22. November 2024
URBNANCE at IOER Conference 2024
Entitled 'Space and transformation: Living in harmony with nature', this year's IOER Conference took place on 26 and 27 September at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum. Philip, Martina, Mabel, Christoph and Susanne were strongly involved, moderating sessions, giving talks and speed talks, organizing workshops, showing a photo exhibition and finally saying goodbye to the participants with a postcard memory activity. With our approaches to urban human-nature resonance, we were able to show ways and visions at the conference that promote sustainable change towards a harmonious coexistence of human and non-human nature.
21. October 2024
Speed date with science: The idea behind Book a Scientist is to formulate scientific questions in an understandable way.
Susanne will attend at the virtual edition on October 15, 2024 and will be happy to answer your questions on the topic of whether a whole city needs to become sustainable first or whether it is the citizens who should lead the way. Register for a personal meeting at https://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/ueber-uns/neues/veranstaltungen/book-a-scientist.
23. September 2024
Ten years of IZS in Görlitz
To mark the tenth anniversary of the Interdisciplinary Center for Transformative Urban Redevelopment (IZS), Susanne traveled to Görlitz to take part in the Denksalon 2024 "Transformative Urban Redevelopment - Shaping Change in Neighborhoods, Cities and Regions Sustainably Together". Politics, administration, civil society and, of course, science were represented to discuss how urban planning can be shaped together. The urban developments in Görlitz served as a living example of this.
11. September 2024
URBNANCE at a training course on real-world laboratories
On September 4, 2024, a training course on real-world laboratories took place at the IOER, which Susanne and Philip attended. In addition to the fundamental questions of how exactly a real-world laboratory is defined, the real-world laboratory in Karlsruhe "Quartier Zukunft - Reallabor Stadt", which has existed since 2012, was examined more closely. In particular, the participants discussed the aspects of longevity and the successful factors of a real-world laboratory. For example, temporary project funding can be an obstacle to the realization of lasting change. Dr. Oliver Parodi from the Karlsruhe Transformation Centre for Sustainability and Cultural Change (KAT) in Karlsruhe was in charge of the training.
05. September 2024
Dr. Christoph Woiwode joins URBNANCE Team
We are delighted to welcome Christoph Woiwode, who has been part of the URBNANCE team since May. With his many years of experience in the field of inner transformation for sustainable development, he will contribute to enriching, further accentuating and developing the project and beyond. Christoph brings with him over 25 years of research experience in India, where he has worked on topics such as sustainable urban development, disaster and climate change risks, urban governance, and, last but not least, socio-cultural change. Trained as an urban and regional planner and anthropologist in Berlin and London, and with professional experience at universities in Germany, Great Britain and as a long-term visiting professor with the Indo-German Centre for Sustainability at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Christoph has an interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective on the major challenges of the 21st century.
09. Juli 2024
Call for chapters: Urban human-nature partnerships – From the Anthropocene to the Ecocene
The URBNANCE-team is working on this exciting book project which is confirmed to be published open access by Edward Elgar Publishing: “Urban human-nature partnerships – From the Anthropocene to the Ecocene”, edited by Martina Artmann, Jessica Böhme, Markus Egermann, Christoph Woiwode. For this, we are seeking abstracts for chapters to be considered for inclusion. The book aims to re-discover, re-think, and re-sense the soulfulness, intelligence, and relational value of nonhuman nature in cities,. The detailed call for proposal can be found online. Deadline for submitting the expressions of interest is 1st September 2024
08. Juli 2024
More-than-human diversity at the Dear Future Festival 2024
Diversity is beauty and freedom and it is a central key to sustainable development - we took this theme of this year's Dear Future Festival in Dresden to heart and organised a contribution to the festival week. In collaboration with Dr Neelakshi Joshi (IÖR), Philip developed a role-playing game in which participants had the opportunity to slip into human and more-than-human roles and look at an urban land use conflict from new and, above all, diverse perspectives. In the role-play, Germany's first more-than-human citizens' council finally took place, in which a jointly supported solution for future land use was found. In the context of nature-based urban planning, we discussed aspects of justice and looked for approaches to ensure that the needs of more-than-human beings and better taken into account in future decision-making processes.
14. Juni 2024
URBNANCE at Environment Week 2024
Christoph and Susanne were also there at this year's Environment Week in Bellevue Palace. As part of the biodiversity research network of several Leibniz Institutes, they contributed a role play that aims to strengthen biodiversity and the rights of nature by conveying different perspectives in urban development. In addition to the President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, various federal ministers were present, representing their departments. Many stimulating conversations about possible applications of the role-playing game and interfaces to other projects still continue to serve as sources of inspiration. Completely vegetarian and vegan food and successful organization rounded off the experience in the garden of Bellevue Palace.
10 June 2024
New publication in People and Nature on values and commitment to urban nature
What values motivate people to get involved with nature in the city? Martina from the URBNANCE team investigated this question in a study led by Dr. Allina Hossu with an international team of researchers. As part of a standardized survey, committed citizens in Munich were asked about their biospheric (nature-oriented), altruistic (society-oriented), egoistic (self-oriented), hedonistic (comfort-oriented) and relational (human-nature-oriented) values. The exciting results can be read in the article Understanding residents' engagement for the protection of urban green spaces by enriching the value-belief-norm theory with relational values—A case study of Munich (Germany).
21 May 2024
On emotions and affects in spatial research
On March 20, Susanne took part in the 9th Research Workshop of the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig. The question was what role feelings and affects play in spatial research and in what form - which is relevant for Susanne's research on individual human-nature resonance. In addition to theoretical concepts, the focus was on which methods can be used to investigate feelings and affects spatially. A great vegan lunch on the sunny rooftop enabled exchange between different disciplines.
21 March 2024
URBNANCE at the workshop on "Social Aspects of the Renaturation of Urban Areas"
The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, together with the Öko-Institut, organised a workshop on "Social Aspects of the Renaturation of Urban Areas". The focus was on the tension between nature conservation and the social added value of urban greenery, which often goes hand in hand with intensive human utilisation pressure. Philip took part in the workshop on behalf of URBNANCE together with other stakeholders from administration, academia and civil society. An exciting dialogue developed in which many practical examples were presented. Projects like "Living Luppe" in Leipzig, urban food forests, schoolyards as places to experience nature or the Ruhr Regional Association's "Route of Agricultural Culture" made it clear that innovative urban development projects in Germany address the strengthening of human-nature relationships as a central lever for transformative change.
19 March 2024
Appointment of URBNANCE project lead Martina Artmann at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
The URBNANCE project lead Dr. Martina Artmann has held the HTA-professorship for Green Infrastructure at the Faculty of Landscape Architecture at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT) since February 2024. Martina is moving from Dresden to Freising with a smile and a tear in her eye. However, Martina will continue to lead URBNANCE and will be supported by a postdoc from May 2024. Of course, Martina will integrate Our URBNANCE-research topics into her professorship. For example, Martina plans to research and implement green infrastructure under the positive vision of the human-nature partnership. Ideas of human-nature resonance will also be incorporated into teaching and students will gain insights, for instance, into relational values of ecosystem services and non-anthropocentric planning approaches. The year 2024 is a year of change and the URBNANCE-team is looking forward to an exciting year.
14 February 2024
URBNANCE at the online intensive course "Living Knowledge"
From November 3 to December 20, 2023, the German association Lebendige Zukunft e.V. organized the online intensive course Living Knowledge - Indigenous Wisdom for Global Challenges. The program focused on unpublished lectures by the elders of the Kogi and a weekly in-depth discussion of the topics with various experts. Martina from the URBNANCE team was one of the experts and exchanged ideas with around 70 course participants on the topic of The role of the human being – from powerlessness to action. Martina shared her personal way of dealing with powerlessness and how her research on human-nature resonance and inner transformation towards sustainability gives her strength and hope to sow many small seeds for a positive change towards a co-operative and mindful coexistence. Many thanks to Lotte and Änne from the association and the many interested course participants for this wonderful exchange!
08 January 2024
Participation in the IPU Congress "The Psychology of Social Movements and Social Transformation" in Überlingen on Lake Constance
From 30.11. to 03.12.23, the congress participants, including Susanne, focused on collective psychological questions behind the great transformation. The Psychology in Environmental Protection initiative had invited exciting workshop leaders, organized a solidarity bidding round and provided vegan food. An open space with acro-yoga, general mindfulness during the congress, a taboo room and other innovative ideas ensured solidarity and respectful interaction.
13 December 2023
International Climate Protection Fellows meets URBNANCE
In the course of the Alexander von Humboldt-Study Tour Knowledge Transfer for Effective Climate Change Policies, 20 international Climate Protection Fellows from around the world (e.g. China, Columbia, Iran, Cameroon) visited the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development. Climate change protection is not only about technological innovations but needs also inner transformations that empower our relational capacities, values, and mental health to deal with today´s complex social-ecological crises. Therefore, Martina presented the idea of human-nature resonance. To give experiential insights into our work, Martina guided a meditation which invited the fellows to explore cities through the eyes of a bird or as wind and to talk to trees. We thank the participants for their openness to slip into the role of more-than-human nature and their positive feedback on it.
16 November 2023
URBNANCE in conversation with DATUM
For the October issue of the Austrian magazine DATUM, Martina from the URBNANCE-team was invited to give insights into our research. The conversation focused on the questions of how the human-nature relationship can be healed in times of growing urbanization and how the increasing alienation could happen in the first place. How the resonance theory, indigenous worldviews, and rituals can offer potential solutions for vibrant human-nature relationships can be read in the post.
17 October 2023
New publication from the project City of the Future Dresden
Relationships for fostering sustainability transitions are not only important in the context of human-nature connections. How space-actor relationships support or hinder transition experiments to establish edible cities is explored by Martina and Kristin Reiß in the new paper The role of spatial and relative proximity while transforming towards an edible city – The case of the City of the Future published in Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.
12 October 2023
Participation at Leibniz R Workshop
On September 26, several IOER scientists participated in a workshop on science journalism in Leipzig. What was special about the event was the setting in a bar, to leave the threshold of academic premises and enter the everyday life of people. The workshop, which Susanne also attended, focused on questions of how to convey complex content without losing substantive depth. Dr. Leonid Klimov, who had won the Grimme Award 2015 among others, was the organizer as Leibniz Fellow.
06 October 2023
URBNANCE at the German Congress of Geography
Martina and Philip travelled to Frankfurt am Main in a late summer mood to present their
research approaches and results to the larger geography community. On the first day of the
conference, an ancient cherry tree greeted us on the beautiful Westend campus of Goethe
University. We really liked the campus with its extensive green spaces and it is rightly
considered one of the most beautiful in Germany. The congress on "Planetary Futures" offered a
lively programme with a mix of lectures, discussions and talks. Martina presented her concept of
human-nature resonance in the session "Sensual and Affective Geographies of Planetary
Presence(s)". In the session "Multiple crises and accelerated change: What can spatial
planning do?", organised by colleagues from Academy for Territorial Development in the
Leibniz Association (ARL) and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and
Spatial Development (BBSR), Philip presented the first results of his research. After three
intensive days, during which we experienced many contributions on spatial transformation
research, spatial planning and the posthumanist more-than-human perspective, we headed home to
Dresden full of inspiration.
26 September 2023
URBNANCE at the ECOSERV Conference in Poznań
In September, Martina from the URBNANCE team participated in the Scientific Symposium Ecosystem services in a transdisciplinary approach – ECOSERV 2023 in Poznań (Poland). In the session Ecosystem services in urban areas, moderated by Martina, Martina also presented the ideas on human-nature resonance. In the course of her presentation Linking Urban Ecosystem Services with Sustainability Transformations – From Shallow to Deep Leverage Points, Martina reflected how relational approaches can contribute to the assessment of ecosystem services. Central to this was the assumption that sustainable transformation is not just about making visible the services of non-human nature provided to humans. Rather, in terms of human-nature partnerships and planetary health, our lifestyles and economic activities need to be geared towards ensuring a goodlife for nature and humans.
25 September 2023
URBNANCE at Book a Scientist
On September 12, inquisitive minds are invited to a new edition of Book a Scientist. In this format initiated by the Leibniz Association, Leibniz researchers answer questions on topics that touch everyday life. This year, Martina will join this event and invites to a date to talk about edible cities and how they can foster a sustainable relationship with nature. You can book a date online via the Leibniz Association.
23 August 2023
URBNANCE in conversation with filmmaker and author Christo Foerster
That must have been resonance when Christo Foerster was in Dresden to present his new film Abenteuerland and stumbled across our URBNANCE work in the course of his research for his new book on the subject of resonance and nature. He immediately took the opportunity to visit the IOER and to ponder with Martina about human-nature resonance. Exciting questions emerged, such as:
Grateful for this resonance encounter, which initiated an inspiring space for exchange between science, art, and culture, Christo and Martina are certain: human-nature resonance will continue to gain importance as a positive counter-design to alienation and acceleration.
11 July 2023
All good things are two: The next URBNANCE article has been published
Under the title "Opening the human spirit to sustainability transformation – The potential for individual human-nature resonance and integrative rituals" Susanne, together with Martina and Caroline, has published her first dissertation article in the journal Sustainability Science. In this conceptual article, the three of them model the relational process of individual human-nature resonance as possible transformation knowledge. This integrative and interdisciplinary framework interweaves sustainability science with psychology and particularly emphasizes spiritual relationships with nature. An embedding of the theories in a practical nature ritual paves the way for an empirical follow-up study.
06 July 2023
Summer exchange with the URBNANCE Advisory Partners
On June 20, 2023, our URBNANCE team met online with the URBNANCE Advisory Partners. We used the magic of the upcoming summer solstice to start the meeting by reflecting together on what we thank nature for and how we would like to express our gratitude. We then presented and discussed our current activities and research on human-nature resonance in the context of urban planning, spiritual rituals for urban residents, and relationships to food in the context of urban community catering. We thank our partners for their time and supportive feedback on our project. And we thank you, dear nature, for your bounty, the river Elbe for her presence, and delicious strawberries for their delicious fruits in summer.
28 June 2023
URBNANCE at the Regensburg Sustainability Week
Under the motto "For you, your city and our world", the Regensburg Sustainability Week took place between June 12-18, 2023. Martina from the URBNANCE team was invited to give a talk and participate in a panel discussion on the topic of edible cities as part of this event. Together with Dr. Lutz Kosack from the edible city of Andernach, Martina showed via vivid examples from practice and research how citizens and city administration can work together to make their city greener and edible, and how positive effects on a sustainable human-nature relationship can be observed as a result. Finally, Martina brought up for discussion the connections between sustainability, diet, urban design, and relational qualities such as empathy, mindfulness, and justice. Thus, achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will not be possible without inner transformation.
19 June 2023
Presentation at the seminar "Future Geographies of Food"
On Friday, April 28, Mabel gave a talk to geography students as part of the seminar "Future Geographies of Food". In her presentation, titled "Urban Human-Food Relations and the Sustainability Transformation. The Role of Urban Initiatives and Institutions," she presented the results of the first phase of her project to conceptualize human-food resonance. Among other things, the presentation focused on the role of public catering as urban institutions, which Mabel will further explore in her second phase of the project, in order to investigate the structures of canteens that promote or hinder resonance.
02 May 2023
Exchange with ABiK Leipzig
To promote resonant human-nature relationships in the city, ideas of mindfulness can play an important role. On 23 February, Martina and Susanne from the URBNANCE team met with Susanne Krämer and Julias Hartmann from the Mindfulness in Education and High School Culture (ABiK) project at the University of Leipzig to discuss how URBNANCE and ABiK can cooperate. The aim is to pool energies, network better and learn from each other as partners.
15 March 2023
How we nourish ourselves and produce food is a major leverage point for promoting sustainability transformation. Urban agriculture can make an important contribution to this. By promoting food supply in the city, transport distances can be shortened and human-food relationships of the urban population can be strengthened. These and other benefits as well as limitations of urban agriculture are discussed in a recent feature on SWR2 Wissen, to which Martina from the URBNANCE team was invited to provide insights into the current research.
03 March 2023
Conceptual paper on human-nature resonance published
According to Hartmut Rosa's theory, resonance arises from an interplay of being touched, responding and transforming. But what do these resonance qualities mean for our human-nature relationships in times of social-ecological crises? How can the resonance theory be translated for sustainability science to better understand what internal and external levers of transformation are needed to foster vibrant human-nature partnerships? Martina from the URBNANCE-team answers these questions in the conceptual article Human-nature resonance in times of social-ecological crisis – a relational account for sustainability transformation, which got now published in Ecosystems and People. The article will serve as a basis for our further work to explore individual and collective human-nature resonance as well as human-food relations in an urban context in more depth.
14 February 2023
URBNANCE goes Deutschlandfunk
Traditional nature conservation and its focus on the establishment of nature reserves makes an important contribution to the protection of nature and biodiversity. However, in the face of a drastic decline in biodiversity and a worsening ecological crisis despite current conservation measures, we need further strategies and visions on how to advance a deep shift towards human-nature partnerships. In a recent feature on Deutschlandfunk, Martina from the URBNANCE team, together with colleagues Bram Büscher and Bernhard Gißibl, presented ideas for a conservation revolution.
23 January 2023
The URBNANCE team is looking for a research assistant to support a PhD project.
The range of tasks includes:
19 January 2023
Special Issue on healthy human-nature relations published
For fostering human-nature resonance we need to acknowledge that a healthy society is depend on healthy ecosystems. In this context, Martina Artmann was co-editing the Special Issue "Shaping healthier cities—Ecosystem services and health for responsive human–nature relations" together with Stefano Salata, Diogo Guedes Vidal, Fátima Alves, and Ana Isabel Ribeiro. Now the editorial has been published in Frontiers in Environmental Science summarizing the main findings of the Special Issue emphasizing the need for future research on pluralistic valuations of ecosystem services for healthy human–nature ties endorsing a good life for human and non-human Earth dwellers.
17 January 2023
Interview with Perpective Daily
At the end of the year, Susanne did an interview with Désiree Schneider from Perpective Daily on December 1st. The one-hour background conversation was about how individuals can actively connect to nature again. The journalist of the ad-free online magazine, which has already been awarded as a Culture and Creative Pilot of the Federal Government in 2015, with the quality seal "Werkstatt N" in 2016 and with the "Project Sustainability" in 2017 by the German Council for Sustainable Development, became aware of URBNANCE's research through the Leibniz format Book A Scientist.
14 December 2022
URBNANCE-Christmas Party 2022
The year 2022 comes to an end and we are looking back to many activities, new insights and learnings. To end the year in a responsive manner, we shared and reflected our research, networking, and transfer highlights of this year in a cozy online atmosphere. We crowned the Christmas quiz king 2022 and created, based on an idea by Susanne, a digital mandala with items representing our personal 2022. For 2023, we are looking forward to further exchange, mutual support and flow. The URBNANCE-team wishes you a Merry Christmas and in the sense of deceleration and resonance a relaxing hibernation.
07 December 2022
URBNANCE & conviviality in societal relations to nature
From Oct. 21 to Oct. 22, 2022, Martina participated in the workshop "Living Together in the Anthropocene. Post-Capitalist Futures of Conservation" in Munich. The occasion for the workshop is the book to be published in German translation in autumn 2022 The Ecological Revolution. A Post-Capitalist Manifesto for Nature Conservation by environmental sociologists Bram Büscher and Robert Fletcher, who teach at Wageningen University. Discussions during the workshop revealed that what is needed most is a promotion of relational values and positive visions of alternative futures beyond capitalist value systems for a transformation toward sustainability. Visions like our work on urban human-nature partnerships can make an important contribution in this regard.
03 November 2022
URBNANCE at Book a Scientist
Your speed date with science: Scientific questions formulated in an understandable way, that is the idea behind Book a Scientist. Susanne is also participating in this year's virtual edition and will be happy to answer your questions on the topic of reconnecting humans with nature and whether this can trigger changes towards sustainability. Register now at https://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/ueber-uns/neues/veranstaltungen/book-a-scientist for a personal conversation and possibly new thought-provoking ideas.
17 October 2022
URBNANCE at the IOER Annual Conference 2022
This year's annual conference of the IOER with the title "Space and Transformation: Livable Futures" was dedicated to space-related transformation topics and issues. Thereby, the cohabitation and relationship between humans and non-human nature were addressed in various presentations and sessions. For the first time, the URBNANCE team, moderated by Philip and Susanne, performed a role play entitled "Dresden 2050 - Visions of a sister city with nature for sustainability transformations". The participants took on the roles of earthworms, bumblebees and oaks envisioning a good urban life in the future. In the afternoon, Mabel and Susanne moderated a session in the "liveable landscapes" track discussing possible differences in human-nature relationships in urban and rural regions.
29 September 2022
URBNANCE goes Kassel
From 14th to 16th September 2022, Martina, Philip, and Susanne
participated at the 9th workshop of the Working Group for Landscape Research in Kassel. Under the
umbrella "Landscapes for Future", the aim of the workshop was to discuss solutions and
pathways how to foster the transformation towards sustainable landscapes. URBNANCE contributed
hereby by presenting a conceptual vision of a human-nature partnership as possible target
knowledge and a designed role play as practical tool for experiencing this
Through a relatively small audience, connections and deep discussions with
other workshop participants from various disciplines were easily possible. By means of
interactive elements, various senses were addressed, and vegan/vegetarian food made the trip a
successful experience.
21 September 2022
Plea for more affection in politics - An essay about the continuation of the 9-Euro-Ticket
With the end of the 9-Euro-Ticket, a broad alliance of actors is advocating for a continuation of the ticket. At the Freitag community, Susanne wrote a plea on this, based on a self-experiment of crossing Germany with the offer and resonating in many ways.
31 August 2022
URBNANCE book review of the new book by Harald Lesch & Klaus Kamphausen published
Martina Artmann (Head of the URBNANCE Junior-Research Group) was invited to write a review of "Over the Orinoco the moon shines" (in German "Über dem Orinoco scheint der Mond"), the new book by Harald Lesch & Klaus Kamphausen. The review of the inspiring book can be read at BIOspektrum.
31 August 2022
Invitation to Open Air Summer film nights: Our relationship with nature - from crisis to resonance
With our three-part open air film series on every first friday on summermonths, we invite you to glimpse nature in its different facets and to reconnect with it. Films tell stories, they touch and move. As city dwellers, experiencing nature, being touched by its beauty, but also caring for it and seeing yourself as part of it, often proves difficult. The open air summer film nights are presented by the Leibniz-Junior Research Group URBNANCE (Urban Human-Nature Resonance for Sustainability Transformation) of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) in cooperation with UFER-Projekte Dresden e.V. at the Alte Gärtnerei in Dresden-Pieschen.
We are looking forward to your coming! Further information is in our invitation.
29 August 2022
Forming resonating relations with the advisory partners during our first midterm workshop
Back in 2020 when URBNANCE just started, the exchange via inspiring rounds of discussions and welcoming new team members into the project were still visions of the future. That changed however starting with getting the advisory partners on board, new PhD students coming into the picture in 2021 and lastly welcoming new research assistants into this bigger collective of interested researchers. Those people came together during our first mid-term workshop in July 2022 at the IOER in Dresden. After several online meetings due to the pandemic, meeting everyone in real life led to the development of stronger resonant bonds.
The first workshop day did thereby involve presentations around the current work of the project lead Martina as well as the three PhDs Susanne, Philip and Mabel who are always supported by their research assistance Henrike, Maeve and Steffi. On the second day, we connected again with our body and heart starting with a meditation led by Susanne and an interactive session of ward talks. Thanks to those illuminating conversations, the team is filled with inspiring thoughts and energy motivated to move on to their next chapters of resonance.
4 August 2022
URBNANCE at the ISDRS 2022
In the course of the ISDRS 2022, focusing this year on "sustainable development and courage. Culture, art and human rights", the URBNANCE-team presented a talk on "human-nature partnership ‒ a normative framing for relational sustainability science?". Besides presenting the theoretical framework of human-nature partnerships, we gave insights into our ideas of affective turning points and interventions fostering resonance such as our multi-species urban planning game, rituals for urban citizens and the role of urban structures for responsive food relations. Thereby, our contribution corresponded with the key-note debates, reflecting about the role of art and inner transformations as levers for responding heart- and mindful to the social-ecological crisis.
20 June 2022
Human-Nature Partnerships at EXPO 2025 in Osaka?
Koelnmesse invited participants on 13 June 2022 to discuss ideas for the design of the German pavilion at EXPO 2025 in Japan under the central theme of "connecting lives". Representing Martina, Philip brought the idea of Human-Nature Partnerships into the competition.
If the application is successful, the URBNANCE team would like to work with artists to develop an exhibit for the World Expo that will touch visitors in Osaka. The focus will be on understanding, feeling and acknowledging our interconnectedness with nature and relational capacities such as empathy, compassion and care. Whether this project will find favour will become clear in 2023, when the idea will be made available to the competitors as part of the EU-wide tender for the design of the German pavilion.
20. June 2022
URBNANCE in Interview
In the course of the IOER Annual Conference 2021, Mabel and Susanne gave some insights into the URBNANCE-project. They talked also about their dissertations and discussed about the role of spiritualty and food for sustainability transformation.
13 June 2022
URBNANCE at the Dresden Nexus-Konferenz
From 23-25 May 2022, the Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC 2022) took part as an online conference focusing on “Biodiversity - Stewardship for vital resources”. Together with Alina Hossu (University of Bucharest, Romania), Martina Artmann (head of URBNANCE) hosted a session on “Relational Values and Planning of Urban Nature and Biodiversity” with speakers from Romania, Turkey, and Japan. Main conclusions from the session are:
URBNANCE at the 7th NEST Conference for Early Career Researchers
NEST is the PhD network within the Sustainability Transition Research Network (STRN), which organizes an annual conference. This year it took place in Lyon with a mix of online and offline formats. Mabel, Philip and Susanne travelled by train to France to present their research projects and meet other projects. Besides the exchange and inspiration, the ENS university campus with large green spaces and sheep remain in their memories.
17 May 2022
The URBNANCE-team is looking for a student assistant
To support the project lead.
The range of tasks includes:
More information about the offer for student assistants (in German)
29 April 2022
URBNANCE at the Edible Cities Network Conference 2022
As part of the Edible Cities Network Conference 2022 on February 16, Martina Artmann (URBNANCE Junior Research Group Lead) gave a keynote presentation on sustainable human-food relationships. The presentation and subsequent discussion with representatives from the field, research, and city administration can be viewed online.
28 April 2022
Start of the workshop series - Exploring and strengthening urban human-food relations
At the beginning of April, the focus group workshops for the sub-project urban human-food resonance will start. For this purpose, interested urban residents who follow a sustainable diet are invited to shed more light on their individual reasons, motivations, and values. Registration for the workshops, which will take place at the Palais Café and Garden, is open until 25 March 2022. More information about the dates and how to contact us is provided in the flyer.
15 March 2022
URBNANCE at the AESOP conference on just cities
On February 24-25, 2022, the annual AESOP meeting of the thematic group on ethics, values, and planning was held online. The conference addressed issues related to operationalizing the just city. The URBNANCE team was also represented at the conference. In addition to presentations on social justice and environmental justice, URBNANCE addressed the often under-lit importance of ecological justice in strengthening sustainable human-nature partnerships in cities.
4 March 2022
First internal workshop 2022
The URBNANCE team started the month of February with a workshop organized by Henrike and Susanne: content-related aspects of the research fields were shared, discussed, and uniformly defined within the group. In addition, the team used a Team Canvas to specify common goals, values, and rules for further collaboration. The research assistants Stefanie and Henrike also took part for the first time. The workshop also strengthened the team's human-nature resonance through the collaborative creation of a nature mandala.
14 February 2022
Second meeting with the URBNANCE Advisory Partners
In December the second meeting with the URBNANCE Advisory Partners took place. The meeting served to introduce the now complete URBNANCE team and to present and discuss the ideas of the three dissertations on individual and collective urban human-nature resonance and human-food resonance in the city. The URBNANCE team is looking forward to welcoming the partners to the URBNANCE workshop in Dresden in summer 2022.
8 December 2021
New insights into the scientific process of the URBNANCE team
After the past months and the work on the research exposés, major milestone has been reached and Susanne and Mabel have developed their research plan for the next three years. Thereby, Susanne's PhD focuses on Ritualistic reconnection through urban human-nature resonance with content from the following triad of theoretical subfields: indigenous worldviews, mindfulness, and spiritual rituals. In addition, Mabel's dissertation with the title Reconnecting with the food we eat urban human-food resonance will concentrate on approaches from the neo-materialist family of theories, the care concept and inner transformation in consideration of the resonance axes of Hartmut Rosa.
8 December 2021
URBNANCE invites abstracts to the Dresden Nexus Conference
Alina Hossu (University of Bucharest, Romania) and Martina Artmann (head of the URBNANCE research group) are happy to invite interested colleagues to submit an abstract to their session on "Relational values and planning of urban nature and biodiversity". The session is part of the Dresden Nexus Conference "DNC2022: Biodiversity - Stewardship for Vital Resources", which will take place between 23-25 May 2022 as an online event. Deadline for abstract submission is 10 Feb 2022.
25 November 2021
The URBNANCE-team is looking for three student assistant
supporting the PhD projects on (in German):
3 November 2021
IOER Annual Conference 2021: "How to Resonate? Roots for an Intact Urban Human-Nature Relationship"
At the IOER annual conference 2021, the URBNANCE team met for the first time with actors from science and practice.
In a speed talk, Susanne and Mabel gave a brief insight into Hartmut Rosa's resonance theory and the central problems and questions of the URBNANCE project. The subsequent lively and interactive discussion, in which Philip also participated, nourished the team with new inspiring input. Beyond that, Philip was also mainly responsible for the organisation of the conference.
13 October 2021
A photo exhibition for the URBNANCE project
As part of the cultural program of the IOER summer party on the 9th September 2021 we presented
Susanne Müller’s photo exhibition “Nature meets Town”. The exhibition was created in 2017 and
shows 13 urban nature-related pictures taken in various countries and towns. It invites the
contemplator to think in an integrated manner about socio-ecological living together.
aim of the URBANCE team is to study urban human-nature resonance and by referring to Hartmut
Rosa’s resonance theory we were interested in whether the contemplators were affected by the
pictures showing nature moments. Hereby we invited them to interact with the artwork via
We thank all colleagues for their active participation!
13 October 2021
New URBNANCE essay published at the "The Nature of Cities"
In the essay, Martina Artmann (head of the URBNANCE research group) and her sister Katharina share thoughts and ideas on how to foster vibrant relationships between people and nature in the city. The essay focuses primarily on the importance of sustainable human-food relationships as well as spiritual practices such as meditation and ritual cacao ceremonies.
Let's rediscover that we are multidimensional beings and that we can connect with the world not only via our mind but with our heart, body and soul.
Artmann, Martina; Artmann, Katharina (2021): Soul and the City: Re-Establishing our Relational Capacity Beyond COVID-19. In: The Nature of Cities (2021).
13 October 2021
Welcome: PhD students start their work in the URBNANCE project
The IOER is happy to welcome the new three PhD students in the junior-research group starting their work in July 2021.
Philip Harms, Mabel Killinger and Susanne Müller will research in the next three years which types of human-nature resonance can be found in cities on different levels and which of these foster responses towards sustainability transformation.
The team is looking forward to inspiring exchange and to significantly contribute with their work to the new IOER Leitbild.
27 July 2021
URBNANCE at the 3rd World Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology
In the course of the 3rd World Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology (7-9 July 2021), Martina Artmann (head of the URBNANCE-research group) hosted together with Chris Ives (University of Nottingham) und Markus Egermann (IOER Dresden) a session on the topic „Urban Ecology in the Context of Sustainability Transformations – from Concepts to Interventions“. Based on six international presentations reflected session participants benefits of linking urban ecology and sustainability transformation research and how this task can be pursued in future. As an example for a transformation-oriented project having a link with urban ecology research, Martina Artmann presented the URBNANCE research group. The session aims to initiate further exchange and research activities on this topic. Interested researchers are warmly invited to contact Martina Artmann.
27 July 2021
URBNANCE at "The Nature of Cities Festival"
In the course of the digital "The Nature of Cities Festivals" URBNANCE hosted a session on "Soul in the city – connecting our inner and external nature."
Together with the session attendees, Martina Artmann (head of the junior-research group) and her sister Katharina Artmann (Grafic designer and flowartist) created a multi-dimensional space to explore the inner and external nature of cities. Through a short presentation, meditation and interactive breakout rooms the participants of the session explored how to overcome the human/nature dichotomy. The session showed that transdisciplinary approaches such as mystical and embodied experiences, journaling, mindfulness practices or storytelling can help to nourish our soul in the city and to experience urban nature as a sentient, soulful member of our kin.
26 February 2021
Paper on urban human-food relationship published
project on edible Cities is presented. Based on an embodied framework, the study identified various external and internal dimensions of human-food connection of urban gardeners in Munich (Germany) and assessed their link with pro-environmental food behaviour. The results of this study will support the conceptualization of urban human-food resonance for the URBNANCE project.
Artmann, M.; Sartison, K.; Ives, C.D. (2021): Urban gardening as a means for fostering embodied urban human–food connection? A case study on urban vegetable gardens in Germany. Sustainability Science.
26 February 2021
First meeting with the URBNANCE Advisory Partners
Together with the URBNANCE Advisory Partners we discussed the current status of the project currently focusing on the conceptualization of urban human-nature resonance. In this regard, we reflected how far human-nature resonance can be understood as a
Also potential empirical approaches for the future PhD projects analyzing and evaluating urban human-nature resonance have been discussed.
5 November 2021